Breakfast at Avon

The barista at Beads & Grinds had suggested we check out the pier in Avon, so yesterday morning that’s where we headed. Hit up Stu’s Food Truck for breakfast – what an experience. The food was amazing – pork roll sandwich and breakfast tacos. But the best part was that while we were eating, a couple walked up to order and set their things down on our table. It wasn’t that weird – we were outside and the table was the one closest to the ordering window. We heard them talking about how much they loved everything at Stu’s, and figured they were regulars. After they ordered, they turned back to us and started chatting, asking us how we liked it and where we were from. When their food came, they sat down across from us – no ‘mind if we join you?’ – it was just assumed, and that was pretty cool. We heard how they had moved to the island 35 years ago and started new careers. They talked about what it’s like living through hurricanes and seasonal tourism. She had recently retired as a realtor, and described how she signed her first deal on a paper towel at a local restaurant! She was so proud of the fact that a number of her original clients still own their homes today. We also learned that pork roll is a New Jersey thing – I was expecting something more like scrapple – this was a delicious surprise. Thanks for sharing breakfast and a bit of life with us, it was lovely meeting you Claudia & Jan.

After breakfast we headed for the beach, where the waves were crowded with surfers. I was a bit intimidated at first, but after a while got more comfortable. Had trouble on my short board in the morning and got tired out, so switched to the long board for the afternoon and had a ton of fun catching waves. The local guys were chill and welcoming. The waves weren’t huge but were definitely rideable, and nobody was trying to do anything too extreme, just having a good time. Several dads were out with their kids – and the kids were tearing it up! I had bought a rash guard from Hatteras Island Board Sports a few days ago (having left mine at home) and didn’t realize that the shop was right across from the pier. I’m glad we stumbled onto it.

Finished up the day with about an hour of fishing from the pier – caught 2 Spanish mackerel, which we had for dinner last night. Taco bowls, yum!

We finished up our time in Hatteras this morning, and stopped for the night at a brewery we found on Harvest Hosts (thanks to my friend Jeff for the tip). Will get a couple pics in the morning and post about that later. Oh, and we hit this amazing bbq place on the way and discovered they also host RVs so we might try staying there on the way back north – Paradise Acres. Trying our roof-top air conditioner for the first time tonight…we’re further south and away from the coast, and it’s 97 degrees at 8:15pm.

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